the mental impact of abortion

How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant

Finding out that you’re unexpectedly pregnant can fill you with questions and make you feel overwhelmed. However, telling your boyfriend and family the news will help you sort through your feelings and find answers.

While thinking about how to tell your boyfriend and family the news can feel scary, we have some tips to help you feel more prepared. Read on to learn strategies you can take to make sharing the news easier.

Or, if you want to talk to someone in person about your pregnancy and learn more about your options, contact Relate Care Clinic today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.

Be Informed

Before telling your boyfriend and family the news, learning all you can about your options is critical. This will ensure that you go into the conversation knowing how you feel about moving forward and why—and it will also help prevent you from being coerced into a decision.

Your pregnancy options include parenting, adoption, and abortion. Only you can decide which of these decisions is right for you and your situation, but knowing all you can will help.

At Relate Care Clinic, we’re here to give you medically accurate information about your options.

Think About What You Want to Say

Thinking about what you want to say to your boyfriend and family will help you feel more confident going into the conversation.

Some things to consider include:

  • What pregnancy decision are you leaning toward and why?
  • How can your boyfriend and family best support you?
  • What do you need from them right now?

Along with thinking about what you want to say, it’s important to prepare for how you’ll respond if the conversation doesn’t go the way you hope.

Giving your boyfriend and family time to think about the news can help if this happens. Sometimes, their initial response is grounded in surprise and worry, but giving them time will help emotions to settle.

We’re Here for You

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can make you feel alone, but at Relate Care Clinic, we understand what you’re going through—and we’re here for you.

Contact us today to connect with one of our caring team members. All appointments, resources, services, and referrals are free.

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