How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant? 

How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

There are so many difficult conversations you can have with your parents. “I totaled the car” or “I flunked out of school” are two. But talking to them about an unplanned pregnancy may be the most difficult of all. Don’t panic. Being thoroughly prepared ahead of time is the best way to break the news.

First of All, Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy?

Believe it or not, a positive pregnancy test is not enough information to determine if you are pregnant. The Mayo Clinic says 10 to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the number may be higher since many miscarriages happen before a woman realizes she is pregnant.

It is entirely possible to get a positive pregnancy test days or even weeks following a miscarriage. So what should you do? Start with a free pregnancy test administered by a licensed registered nurse at Relate Care.

If our test is positive, we’ll perform a free ultrasound. An ultrasound can determine whether your pregnancy is viable (growing with a detectable heartbeat) or you have miscarried. You will also learn how far along you are and if the location of your pregnancy is correct.

Once you have fully confirmed your pregnancy, it’s time to talk about your options.

What Are My Options?

If you can approach your parents with information about your pregnancy options, they will recognize you are handling the situation maturely. Make an appointment with a registered nurse at Relate Care Clinic to discuss your options in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

Although we do not offer or refer for abortion, we can provide reliable information about the procedures, side effects, and potential risks. We can also discuss how to make an adoption plan and what resources are available if you choose to parent.

Is it Time to Talk With Your Parents?

Even with confirmation of your pregnancy and information about your options, speaking with your folks can be scary. More than anything, you need to be safe. If you feel having the conversation will cause a violent response, consider talking in public or having a friend with you.

If you need to, contact the Domestic Violence Hotline. The number is 800.799.SAFE (7233), and someone is available 24/7 year round.

Remember, it took a while for the reality of your pregnancy to sink in for you. Let your parents have the time to grasp what you are saying. They may be disappointed, but try to avoid reacting to their immediate response.

Pick a time when you know they won’t be distracted. This is not a conversation for someone rushing out the door. Ask them if it’s a good time to have a conversation.

Let them know the steps you’ve already taken and the options you are considering.

How We Can Help

In addition to our free pregnancy services, you can schedule a time to talk about your current situation. You can find the support you need through our mentorship program and peer counseling.

Let us walk alongside you so you are not alone. We’re here for you. Set up a free appointment today.

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