Will I Pass My STI to My Child? 

Will I Pass My STI to My Child?

Yes, some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can pass from a mother to her child during delivery. This is why it’s critical to receive STI testing if you’re pregnant.

Knowing your STI status and receiving treatment will help protect your health as well as that of your pregnancy.

This article will highlight the essentials you need to know about STIs during pregnancy. However, if you’re looking for free STI testing and treatment and a safe space to learn more about your resources that are here to help, contact Relate Care Clinic today.

How STIs Can Affect Pregnancy

STIs can be particularly harmful during pregnancy because they can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby. Depending on the type of STI, some of the potential risks include:

  • Premature birth: Certain STIs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, can increase the risk of preterm labor and delivery. Premature birth can result in low birth weight and other health challenges for the baby.
  • Miscarriage or stillbirth: Untreated syphilis, for example, can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, or the baby being born with severe health issues.
  • Infections in the baby: Many STIs, such as herpes, HIV, and hepatitis B, can be passed from the mother to the baby during delivery. This is known as vertical transmission, and it can lead to serious infections in newborns, including life-threatening conditions like pneumonia or brain damage.

STIs That Can Pass to the Baby

Several STIs can be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy or birth, including:

  • HIV: A mother with untreated HIV can pass the virus to her baby during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or breastfeeding. Early treatment with antiretroviral therapy (ART) can significantly reduce the risk of transmission.
  • Syphilis: Syphilis can cross the placenta and infect the baby, leading to congenital syphilis, which can cause developmental delays, deformities, or stillbirth.
  • Herpes: If a woman has an active herpes outbreak during labor, the virus can be passed to the baby during delivery, causing neonatal herpes, a serious infection that can affect the baby’s brain, skin, and eyes.
  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea: These bacterial infections can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth, potentially causing eye infections, pneumonia, or blood infections.

Prevention and Treatment

The good news is that many of the risks associated with STIs during pregnancy can be minimized with proper prenatal care. Regular screening for STIs is crucial for early detection and treatment.

At Relate Care Clinic, we offer free and confidential STI testing and treatment. If you’re pregnant, this testing is essential for protecting your health and that of your pregnancy.

Don’t delay. Schedule your STI testing appointment today.

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