Is Abortion or Adoption Right For Me?

Is Abortion or Adoption Right For Me?

Perhaps you knew you weren’t ready to be a parent right from the minute you saw the positive pregnancy test. Whatever the reason—your age, living arrangements, or financial situation—you knew that the timing wasn’t right for you to become a mother.

But even after ruling out parenting as an option for your unplanned pregnancy, it can be tough to know if you should pursue adoption or abortion.

What Would Having an Abortion Look Like for You?

An abortion is a serious decision. Having an abortion means ending your progressing pregnancy through either a medical or a surgical procedure. The type of procedure will depend on how far along you are.

As with any medical procedure, abortion carries risks. Inform yourself on the risks and side effects of medical abortion and surgical abortion when evaluating your choices.

What About the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill or medical abortion is FDA-approved for use through ten weeks of pregnancy. While it might seem more private or less invasive since the abortion pill procedure is completed at home, it typically lasts a couple days and isn’t for everyone.

The abortion pill is not safe for people with certain pre-existing conditions, especially due to the heavy bleeding misoprostol (the second medication in the process) triggers.

Before scheduling an abortion or taking the abortion pill, you should receive an ultrasound to determine how far along you are in pregnancy. If you’re beyond the first trimester, a surgical abortion might be considered safer.

At our clinic, we offer ultrasounds free of charge so that we can help you determine the best course of action based on your situation.

What Would Adoption Look Like for You?

There are key differences between abortion and adoption.

  • You will carry your pregnancy to term.
  • You can choose to have a relationship with your child (or not).
  • Often the costs will be paid for by the adoptive family.

Choosing adoption still comes with emotional and physical challenges, but for some women, adoption fits their situation better.

When choosing adoption, you will work together with an adoption agency to create an adoption plan. You choose the adoptive family and how much or how little contact you want to have with your child in the future.

It’s Your Life and Your Story

When you’re at the crossroads of abortion and adoption, it’s critical to be honest with yourself. What do you want? What are your goals? How would you feel after choosing each option?

You want to protect your emotional, physical, and mental health. Making an empowered decision means looking at it from all angles and feeling peace before taking action.

What Should I Do Next?

Your unplanned pregnancy may have surprised you. But you are in total control of what happens next.

Schedule a free pregnancy test and ultrasound at our clinic. This will tell you a lot about what your options are and alert you to any potential pregnancy issues.

Our kind and caring staff will answer any questions you have about abortion or adoption. Please contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation. 

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